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Thursday, December 11, 2014

3 Words Challenge

My name is Jasper and I am in grade 8. For the 3 words challenge, I picked my three words, coincidentally, all starting with the letter C. These words are CURIOSITY,  COURAGE and CREATIVITY.

First of all, I chose the word Curiosity because I usually don't get curious and accept new things offered to me. Examples would be new types of food and activities. This doesn't benefit me, since if I don't get out of my comfort zone, I won't be able to experience new accomplishments or fun.

Second of all, I chose the word Courage because I am sort of a scaredy-cat. If something seems scary, I would generally not participate in it (besides amusement park rides). This also could limit my fun and amusement. Although it's good to be cautious, being too cautious can be very regretful.

Finally, I chose the word Creativity because I am not very creative. When I try to think of speech topics, I end up with boring or copied themes. When I try to think of project ideas I always end up with a very uninteresting idea. If I challenge my creativity more, it would not only help me for school, but for more enjoyable plans in my day as well.

As you can see, I have a lot to work on. Hopefully, unlike my New Year's Resolution, I can follow this 3 words challenge and give myself more qualities.

1 comment:

  1. These are great words Jasper! Like you, I tend to be extra cautious so having courage to try new things (like a school dance maybe?) may surprise you. I find I am more adventurous when I travel - maybe think of the new year as a whole new place to start and not just a new year. I might try this too! Creativity is something most people assume you have or you don't have. However, readings I have been doing say that like other skills, creativity needs to be practiced and worked on to develop. I look forward to watching your curiosity take your creative courage self to new heights next year!
