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Thursday, December 11, 2014

                     Learning Blog for December 11, 2014

     1. What did we do?

      We did our paragraph booklets and we were working on our descriptive paragraph section. We get to think of three words that describes us also we had to do why we chose these words and make a third person sentence of your three words.

      2. Why did we do it?
    We highlighted our descriptive paragraphs because we can find which sentences are topic sentence, transition words or phrases, and key words that identify the type of paragraph. We did our exercise one for our paragraph booklet so we had to write some descriptive sentences for one topic. We wrote descriptive sentences for one topic in the paragraph booklet because it can help us think ideas more quickly. We had to think of three words that represent you or what you need to improve on so that we could know who we are and what we want to represent as for the three words and sentence challenge. 
      3. Reflections and Connections      

     Highlighting the descriptive paragraphs can help us find important key words and topic sentence so it could enhance our sentence structure or making sentences specific.
      4. Homework reminders
      -Posting three words you chose and it has to be in blog for tomorrow.

      -Writing three sentences to third person about your three words on paper.

      -Paragraph booklet 

      5. Homework tips

      For your descriptive paragraphs, it has be really specific and the sentences has to be detailed as possible. You don't have to do your descriptive paragraph for homework but you could do it for extra work to improve your sentence structure.



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